Really, why do we even worry about things? We worry about the things we can’t control. We can’t control IT, (whatever IT is), so what’s the use in worrying? Worrying won’t change anything, one way or the other. Now, the things we can control, like our behavior, etc., again worrying will not serve us because if you can control it, then change it. In situations where you are depending on another person, all you can do is prepare the best you can and allow the other person to do their part. I can’t control what they do, so again, it doesn’t make sense to worry.
Everyone has their own point of view. Whether right or wrong, it’s their own. That doesn’t mean that your experience will be the same as theirs. Life is so not one size fits all. Again, I am learning that just because someone has more experience, etc., that doesn’t give them authority over my life…and you shouldn’t defer to them just because of the same reason either. We are all unique, so our lives will be unique and custom fitted. We are not meant to borrow someone else’s coat and they can’t wear ours. That is so awesome, because since you can’t take my place, that means there is a place and a purpose for every single one of us.